“The Fugitive” is a popular American TV series that aired from 1963 to 1967. The lead role of Dr. Richard Kimble, who is on the run after being wrongfully convicted of his wife’s murder, was played by David Janssen. Janssen’s portrayal of the determined and resourceful fugitive garnered critical acclaim and helped make the show a success.
In the 1993 film adaptation of “The Fugitive,” the role of Dr. Richard Kimble was portrayed by Academy Award-winning actor Harrison Ford. Ford brought his own intensity and charisma to the character, earning both critical praise and commercial success for his performance.
Overall, the character of Dr. Richard Kimble has been brought to life by two talented actors, David Janssen and Harrison Ford, each leaving their own indelible mark on the iconic role. Their portrayals have contributed to the enduring popularity of “The Fugitive” story across different generations.